Our Mission

In 2024, approximately 152,810 individuals will be diagnosed with CRC and 53,010 will die from the disease. In people under 55, death rates have been increasing about 1% per year since the mid-2000s. Colorectal Cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death for men and women combined and affects 1 in 23 men and 1 in 26 women annually. Colorectal Cancer is also among one of the most poorly funded cancers compared to how common it is.

Champions for Colorectal Cancer, Inc. is fiercely committed to carrying out its clear and actionable mission:

  • Increase awareness of Colorectal Cancer among younger generations

  • Provide assistance and advocacy to and for individuals/families who have been adversely impacted by Colorectal Cancer

  • Raise funding for ongoing Colorectal Cancer research: including but not limited to early diagnosis, better and more advanced treatment options, stronger survival rates, and eventually a cure.